Three carillon students from the School of Music joined Dr. Laura Ellis, Associate Professor and university carillonneur, in attending the 75th annual congress of the Guild of Carillonneurs in North America in Mariemont, Ohio, from June 18-22. Ellis, who serves as director of the GCNA’s Music Publication Committee, premiered Three Sketches of Scott Hummel during the New Music Recital. Attendees visited three Cincinnati area carillons: the Mary M. Emery Memorial Carillon (Mariemont), the Deeds Memorial Carillon (Dayton), and the carillon at Convent of the Transfiguration (Glendale). One evening, the Verdin Company cast a bell using their "Bell Foundry on Wheels”—the World’s Only Traveling Bell Foundry.
Student Stories : Jan 27, 2025
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