School of Art + Art History

Request Information

We are so glad you are interested in learning more about our programs! To request more information, please read the applicable dropdown menu below and then complete the following form.

Undergraduate Tours & Information Sessions

Spring 2025 Department Tour Dates (Fridays 1:30-3:00pm) 

  • January 24th
  • January 31st
  • February 7th
  • February 14th
  • February 21st
  • February 28th
  • March 7th
  • March 28th
  • April 11th
  • April 18th (Filled)

During fall and spring semesters, to sign-up for tours, please submit the form below and indicate which date you would like to attend in the comments section. If you have interest in particular studio areas (such as painting, ceramics, printmaking, art + technology, sculpture, drawing, photography, graphic design, etc.), please tell us in the comments as well! Upon review of your form, we will send directions to the SAAH buildings to the email address provided. 

During the summer months, we do not offer regularly scheduled tours as the majority of students are out of town, and our spaces and facilities are being cleaned out and prepped for the start of the fall semester. We expect to have fall tours scheduled by late August-early September. 

Please contact for more information on the School and our Undergraduate programs.

Graduate Tours

Graduate program visits can be scheduled during the fall and spring semesters. If you complete the form below, your information will be provided to the relevant Area Coordinator for interest and follow up during their fall or spring availability. See specific program outlines for application and deadline dates.

Faculty and program coordinators for Art History, Art Education, Museum Studies, Studio Art and Design & Visual Communications are away during summer semesters for research and are best reached for inquiries after September 1. We invite you to review the online program information contained in the program outlines above, and follow up with an email to our Graduate Coordinator at for general graduate school questions.

All visitors should connect with areas of interest prior to planning their visit for more personalized meeting schedules if possible.

General University of Florida tours can be scheduled separately from the School of Art + Art History through the UF Admissions website:

Thank you for your interest in the School of Art + Art History Graduate programs. 

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